Non-daily Digest

February 8th, 2013 No comments

LA Times Women delivering newspapers in Torrance shot in manhunt for ex-cop
NBC Lawyer: LA police shot delivery women without warning

These women were shot without warning simply because they were driving a truck the police thought resembled the suspect’s. (It was the wrong make, model, and color!) Remind me again why police can be trusted with guns but I can’t.

InfoWars DHS Purchases 21.6 Million More Rounds of Ammunition
Can someone please explain to me why DHS needs 30x the amount of ammunition used by our troops during the worst year of the war in Iraq?

Weekly Standard Panetta: Obama Absent Night of Benghazi
Put on your shocked face.

Judge Andrew Napolitano President Obama gives himself permission to kill
Trampling a number of the Constitution’s Articles and Amendments in the process. Shocked face still on.

Fox News Supermarkets cry foul as FDA proposes new food labeling rule under ObamaCare
Does ObamaCare give the FDA this authority? No. Does that matter to this power-hungry administration? No.

Walter E. Williams Women in Combat

John Ransom Uh, Obama? We Have a Problem: Interest Expense to Hit $1 Trillion in 4 Years

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Lefty LOL #1

February 7th, 2013 No comments

At the National Prayer Breakfast, Dear Leader said,

Those of us with the most power and influence must be the most humble.

I don’t care who you are. That’s funny right there.

Categories: Liberalism Tags:

Non-daily Digest

February 6th, 2013 No comments

Salt Lake Tribune Armed guard disarmed teen in Atlanta school shooting, says police chief
Wait, you mean the NRA was right?

Meanwhile the police waste our money…
Washington Examiner Alexandria cops bust 10-year-old for bringing toy gun to school

The 10-year-old did not point it at anyone or threaten to shoot it…It was silver and had a black handle. It also had a orange tip that went into the barrel, showing that no ammunition was coming out of it.

Oh, so it was obviously a toy rather than a weapon? And you’re arresting him? We’ve become a nation of and led by fools.

Moscow Times Heaviest Snowfall in a Century Hits Moscow
Funny, I didn’t see this reported by the MSM. Must be global warming.

Dan Mitchell Thoughts on “Assault Weapons” and “Magazine Limits” from an Actual Gun Expert

Mike Adams Eat More Chicken and Your Skin Will Thicken

Michael Brown Time For Sensitivity Training

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The wonders of ObamaCare

February 6th, 2013 No comments

The new IRS regs for determining whether an individual or family is required to purchase health insurance or pay their ObamaCare tax is 73 pages long. That’s not a typo. You know you’ve enacted execrable legislation when there’s zero chance the average citizen can even figure out if he’s obeying the law. You also know it’s a terrible law when the CBO tells us it will do the opposite of what its proponents lied told us it would.

Categories: Healthcare Tags:

You don’t need a gun

February 6th, 2013 No comments

We are constantly being reminded by the Left that we don’t need high-powered, high-capacity weapons because:

  1. The police will protect you, and
  2. You don’t need more than 7-10 rounds to defend yourself, your family, your store,…

Um, yeah, whatever.

Cases in point:

Yes the police always respond to your calls. Except when they have coffee and a donut that might get cold. Or, of course, if they’re sure the perps have left the area and you’re safe. Or when they can’t do anything to help you anyway.

Self defense is a natural right. No politician can predetermine when or where you’ll need a gun, what kind of gun you’ll need, or how many rounds will be necessary to defend yourself.

Categories: Gun Rights Tags:

Non-daily Digest

January 31st, 2013 No comments

Let me get this straight—I can’t be trusted with a semi-auto rifle, but these clowns can? Please.

Washington Examiner Why isn’t gun control working in Chicago?

CBS 6-Year-Old Expelled for Bringing Toy Gun to School
If you really want gun rights advocates to take any proposed legislation seriously, you’re going to have to end this nonsense. The girl has since been allowed back in school, but every person in the original decision-making chain should be fired.

Thomas Sowell Shouting Louder

Kirsten Powers Obama vs. Fox News—behind the White House strategy to delegitimize a news organization

Ann Coulter Rubio’s Amnesty: A Path to Oblivion for the GOP
[One of those rare moments when she’s not being abrasive. Worth a read.]

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Non-daily Digest

January 28th, 2013 No comments
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Non-daily Digest

January 24th, 2013 No comments

Michelle Malkin Rotten to the Core: Obama’s War on Academic Standards (Part 1)
As a mathematician who has taught at the university level I’m appalled by the deliberate weakening of our standards—they weren’t all that high “back in the day.” As the parent of high school students I can attest that it’s happening. This is not going to help us catch other advanced nations in math and science—it’s putting us farther behind.

Fox News California residents, businesses consider bailing on Golden State over taxes

Jonah Goldberg Good sense and gun control

Thomas Sowell Do Gun Control Laws Control Guns?

Michael Brown My Response to Your Inaugural Speech, Mr. President

Judge Andrew Napolitano Guns and the President

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“Lucky” woman survives abduction, rape

January 21st, 2013 No comments

A Central Michigan University senior was abducted at gunpoint from a school parking lot, driven to a remote location, and raped. She was “lucky” because even partially bound and with a broken arm, she was able to escape when her rapist moved her again. Hint: he wasn’t taking her in to get medical treatment.

The hard truth is that the anti-gun crowd doesn’t care. This happened in a “gun-free zone” or as the rapist—an ex-con who likely couldn’t legally own the gun he was carrying—would have called it had he survived (he was later killed by police…with guns) a “victim-rich environment.” The Left wants to keep it that way even though time and again we see that “gun-free” zones aren’t, and the police can’t protect you everywhere. They would rather (and will) have more women raped and killed than let them carry handguns on campus.

Please tell me again how denying this poor young woman the ability to defend herself stopped her rapist from perpetrating his heinous act. Until then your gun “control” blather is just that.

Categories: Gun Rights Tags:

Non-daily Digest

January 21st, 2013 No comments

Jonah Goldberg Wake Up, Socially Liberal Fiscal Conservatives

Star Parker Could Dr. King Have Given the Inaugural Benediction?

Mary Grabar Common Core: Orwellian Lessons in Florida
Think Common Core is harmless or even good? Think gain. We’re dumming down our curricula.

USA Today Brutal cold roaring into central, eastern U.S.
Funny…they didn’t mention global warming at all.

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