Non-daily Digest

March 11th, 2013 No comments

Breitbart Gabby Giffords’s Husband Buys AR-15
He’s either an incredible variety of stupid or the worst hypocrite in the ongoing debate over guns in America.

Bjorn Lomborg Green Cars Have a Dirty Little Secret: Producing and charging electric cars means heavy carbon-dioxide emissions.
An important read from a liberal who believes “climate change” is man-made.

Judge Andrew Napolitano The Right to Self-Defense

Kimberley A. Strassel Jumping the Sequester: When the president canceled White House tours, he revealed his claims as ludicrous.

Mike Shedlock Mish’s Complete Look at Employment Numbers

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Non-daily Digest

March 7th, 2013 No comments

Frank Turek gives one of the better brief defenses of maintaining the traditional definition of marriage:

Thomas Sowell:

ABC Student suspended for shaping Pop-Tart into gun
Far too many of our schools are run by morons.

Gateway Pundit Obama DHS Purchases 2,700 Light-Armored Tanks to Go With Their 1.6 Billion Bullet Stockpile
Please explain to me why DHS needs 2700 light tanks. You know they’re not using them to protect our borders.

PJ Media Arrogant CO Dem Scolds Rape Survivor At Gun Ban Hearing: Statistics Weren’t On Your Side
And I’m told the war on women is being waged by the Right. Ladies, conservatives think you’re smart enough, responsible enough, and valuable enough to defend yourselves with the best available tools.

Jonah Goldberg Obamacare’s Predictable Problems: Reality isn’t playing out according to the media script.

James Taranto Man of Straw—The latest excuse for Obama: Basic political competence is a superhuman power.

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Non-daily Digest

March 4th, 2013 No comments
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Notable Quotables #13

March 4th, 2013 No comments

The idea of a minor decrease in the amount of increase in government spending causing end-times is laughable to everyone who has more IQ points than teeth.

Derek Hunter

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Non-daily Digest

February 25th, 2013 No comments
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Non-daily Digest

February 15th, 2013 No comments

Susan B. Anthony List Woman Dies following Late-Term Abortion at Carhart Clinic
Safe, legal, and rare? Well, we’ve achieved one of three.

Michelle Malkin The Blame Righty mob falls silent

Walter E. Williams Cultural Deviancy, Not Guns

Neal Boortz Why the Liberal Hatred of Citizens With Guns

Larry Elder Dorner — Another Angry Fatherless Black Man With a Gun

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Who needs more than 7 rounds?

February 15th, 2013 No comments

An unarmed father died earlier this week trying to keep two armed men out of his 11-year-old daughter’s room. You know who could have really used an “assault rifle” with a 30-round magazine? No, tragically, the Left would rather see him dead than able to defend his family.

Across the country an elderly man was attacked by four thugs—all for the $15 he carried. You know who could have used a Glock with 20 rounds? Ah, but the gun grabbers in CA make it virtually impossible for a citizen in L.A. to carry a weapon for protection.

Self defense is a basic human right, folks. The evil among us don’t care what laws you pass—except when they benefit by the disarming of their victims.

Categories: Gun Rights Tags:

Starting Points

February 15th, 2013 No comments

In his State of the Union address (and a follow-up yesterday), Dear Leader said we need to fund preschool and all-day kindergarten for low- and some middle-income families so that,

…none of our children start the race of life already behind.

[Quite laughably, he also claimed this wouldn’t increase the deficit.]

I have a counter proposal that won’t cost a penny. In fact, it will improve educational outcomes, and reduce both crime and poverty—all three of which have the additional benefit of trimming federal and state budgets. It’s very simple, really.

Stop subsidizing illegitimacy and single parenting.

Before the creation of the welfare state in the 1960s, marriage rates were higher, and illegitimacy and poverty rates were lower. Then we made it much easier for poor women to bear children without either the financial responsibility for their support or the presence and participation of the father in the children’s upbringing. Guess what happened as a result?

Look at any inner city and you can see. Urban blight is not an accident, but a direct consequence of government policy at the federal and local levels. When you subsidize something you get more of it. Want less? End the subsidy. Economics 101. Duh.

But Democrats understand this already. Truly effective programs to reduce poverty would end their stranglehold on urban politics because they would reduce dependency on the welfare programs on which the Left thrives. Hence the continued subsidization of poverty.

Poor kids don’t need preschool. They need mom and dad under the same roof working together to provide for them. Instead of spending so much effort replacing literature and history with “Lesbian Readings” and “The Sins of Our Founders,” we should be telling our young people, “Don’t want to spend your life poor? Finish school, get married, have children…in that order.”

That will have a much bigger positive impact on their lives and our nation than having them start preschool a year or two earlier.

Categories: Conservatism, Education Tags:

Notable Quotables #12

February 12th, 2013 No comments

I can’t get excited by the question of whether Senator Robert Menendez had sex with a prostitute in Central America. It is her word against his—and when it comes to a prostitute’s word against a politician’s word, that is too close to call.

Thomas Sowell

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Notable Quotables #11

February 8th, 2013 No comments

Voters aren’t children, but too many of them have the childish notion that the best policies are those that pander to their immediate desires. The challenge for the GOP is to persuade them to put away childish things.

Jonah Goldberg

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