Non-daily Digest
Thomas Sowell, IBD — Will Gridlock Save Obama White House From Itself?
WSJ — The Church of Kathleen Sebelius
Mike Adams, Townhall — African American Listed
NY Times — Canada Announces Exit From Kyoto Climate Treaty
CNN — In U.S., right to vote still threatened
Yes, according to the Left, it is entirely unreasonable to require voters to demonstrate that they are actually eligible to vote. Liberals have such a low opinion of minority, young, and elderly Americans that they believe they aren’t competent to obtain or provide an ID.
LA Times — U.S. asks Iran to return spy drone
U.S. officials say they don’t expect Iran will comply.
Duh. Maybe if President Hopey-Changey just said, “Pretty please.”
Fox News — Issa: $400G in Stimulus Funds Stomped On at Occupy D.C. Park
Can you imagine the liberal and media outcry if the Tea Party had done this? But what I really want to know is why we wasted $400G on landscaping as part of “stimulus” in the first place. Other than a temporary boost to one contractor’s books, how did that stimulate the economy?
Washington Times — Obama’s Keystone cop-out