Daily Digest
Google this hero’s story. It’s worth a read. – Rare Honor for a Living Service Member
Ay, yes. Islam: the religion of tolerance and peace. – Palestinian Blogger Angers West Bank Muslims
California loses its mind. We all pay. – California Court Backs Illegal Immigrant Students
How many terrorists have the TSA’s policies caught? The shoe bomber? Nope. Underwear bomber? Nope. – TSA: Despite objections, all passengers must be screened
The height of foolishness. – U.S. to go ahead with terrorism trials
Camelot not so squeaky clean. – President John F Kennedy and the art of dirty politics
This is the nation bequeathed to us by Mandela and Tutu. – South African shock as alleged rape victim charged
And our open borders crowd complains about AZ. – Spain outrage over migrant bombing game
A thoughtful question with no easy answers. – The deserving or undeserving poor?
Thanks for making me think – there was the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber – who caught those guys…….. oh wait, the fellow passengers!