Non-daily Digest
The scandals aren’t going away:
- Glenn Greenwald Obama DOJ formally accuses journalist in leak case of committing crimes
Under US law, it is not illegal to publish classified information. That fact, along with the First Amendment’s guarantee of press freedoms, is what has prevented the US government from ever prosecuting journalists for reporting on what the US government does in secret.
So do Obama defenders believe that George Bush and Richard Nixon – who never prosecuted leakers like this or formally accused journalists of being criminals for reporting classified information – were excessively protective of press freedoms and insufficiently devoted to safeguarding secrecy? To ask that question is to mock it.This should be a bigger story than the targeting of the AP.
- Jonah Goldberg Benghazi’s smoking guns
- Michelle Malkin Obama’s emptiest Benghazi talking point
- Peggy Noonan This Is No Ordinary Scandal: Political abuse of the IRS threatens the basic integrity of our government.
- Breitbart Claim: Obama campaign co-chair attacked Romney with leaked IRS docs
- NY Times Republicans Expand I.R.S. Inquiry, With Eye on White House
- Weekly Standard Report: IRS Deliberately Chose Not to Fess Up to Scandal Before Election
Of course they did. They had an election to throw.
Lisa Myers, NBC:Imagine if we—if you can—what would have happened if this fact came out in September 2012, in the middle of a presidential election? The terrain would have looked very different.
Yes, it would have.
USA Today More immigrant felons freed than initially reported
Wait, you mean someone from another Executive branch department lied to us? Color me shocked.
Fox IRS official who oversaw unit targeting Tea Party now heads ObamaCare office
That ought to make us all sleep better at night. Um, didn’t President Transparency tell us he was going to hold the responsible parties accountable?
CBS Hispanic Custodians On Auraria Campus Claim Discrimination
So now we have to print everything in your language in order to hire you? Simple solution to that one…