Non-daily Digest
Obamanomics…get ready for a rough ride:
- Washington Times Companies plan massive layoffs as Obamacare becomes reality
- Michelle Malkin The Hope-a-nomics Disaster: One Company’s Horror Story
WSJ California’s Liberal Supermajority: Taxpayers are going to get all the government they ever wanted.
- Fox News Forgotten by FEMA: Staten Island’s Sandy victims vent over lack of aid
- Asbury Park Press Bitter cold inside a disaster shelter
Yeah, this admin is handling it so much better than Katrina.
Jonah Goldberg@Orlando Sentinel A victory for creatures of the state
- Mona Charen One Big Failure
- Linda Chavez GOP Folly
- Crystal Wright Republicans Got the Shellacking We Deserve
GOP take note: we won’t win at the national level unless we bring in the many conservative minorities and immigrant citizens who currently vote D.
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