Non-daily Digest
So, how are those strong anti-gun laws working for you?
- Chicago Tribune 19 people shot in overnight shootings across Chicago
- AP NYPD Gunfire Injures 9 at Empire State Building
Pop quiz: how many innocent bystanders are shot by CCW holders in the US each year?
Michelle Malkin “Clean Energy” Is Obama-Speak for Crony Government
Fox News:
- More than 2,200 hospitals face penalties under ObamaCare rules
Guess who’s going to pick up the tab when hospitals increase rates to make up for the penalties? - Dress code bars Oklahoma City kindergartner from wearing University of Michigan T-shirt
This is the kind of insanity that ensues when school districts refuse to enforce disciplinary policies that might have an actual effect—like criminal prosecution of students for violent behavior.
- Maggie Gallagher Politics Interfering With D.C. Hate Crimes Law
So why isn’t this being prosecuted as a hate crime? Although it clearly falls within the scope of the law, the victims belong to the wrong class—conservative Christians. - Walter E. Williams Educational Lunacy
See Fox item above for a perfect example.
James Taranto@WSJ Out of Mani, One: The philosophical roots of the Obama cult.
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