Non-daily Digest
Thomas Sowell, American Spectator – Mixing and Matching
Victor Davis Hanson, PJ Media – The Trayvon Martin Case and the Growing Racial Divide
- Robert Leider – Understanding ‘Stand Your Ground’ Florida’s self-defense law is not lenient by national standards.
Probably the best debunking of the anti-gun media hype surrounding the issue that I’ve seen to date. - Grover Norquist – Trickle-Down Taxation Americans know that politicians are getting elected by promising to tax only the rich and then going after the middle class.
- The Inequality Obsession Why is it in America’s interest to persuade the rich to report less income?
Michelle Malkin – The real GSA scandal: job-killing Big Labor payoffs
CBS – Milledgeville Police Handcuff 6-Year-Old Girl for Misbehaving at School
It’s only a shame this doesn’t happen more often. “Misbehaving at School”? Try uncontrollable destruction of property and refusal to exert self-control. Sorry, but the child had to be restrained and school officials have been cowed out of the job by lawsuits.
- Doug Giles – The Media That Ignored Obama’s Beliefs Goes After Mitt’s Mormonism
- Walter E. Williams – Good Economists
- Michael Medved – The Unanswerable Question About “The Buffett Rule”
Detroit News – Seniors get the TSA runaround, lose $300
Time to disband the TSA. An outrage every day is becoming tiresome. This is not making us safer.
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