Non-daily Digest
CBS Atlanta — Investigator: Herman Cain innocent of sexual advances
Funny…the mainstream media aren’t picking up this story.
Brent Bozell, Townhall — Thanking an Old Friend
Ooooh, those evil, greedy 1%-ers.
WSJ — Generation Jobless: Students Pick Easier Majors Despite Less Pay
That’s fine, but then you really can’t complain when my math degrees earn a better salary, and don’t even have the nerve to expect me to bail you out when you have trouble paying off your student loans after you chose a useless major. Be an adult and take responsibility for your choices.
BBC — Repeat offenders appear to have worse health in middle-age
You’re kidding, right? You actually wasted time and money on this?
The reasons for this poorer health are not clear. High-risk behaviour and lifestyle might increase the chances of accidents and injury, leading to hospitalisation and disability.
Really? Do you think? Just when I thought my level of respect for academia couldn’t possibly sink any lower…
Fox News — Judge: School Can Ban American Flag Shirts
This is nothing short of outrageous. So-called “protestors” can burn the American flag, but patriotic kids can’t wear it because it might upset Hispanics on Cinco de Mayo? We’re losing our country, folks.
Investor’s Business Daily — Still Factory Champs
American manufacturing in decline? Don’t believe the hype.
Good thing there was a study to determine that an engineering curriculum may be harder and require more time and effort than the liberal arts. Of course, I assume it was a liberal arts major performing the study (instead of just asking an engineering major). I have to admit that completing my engineering degree was a big deal to me to show that I could actually do it. There is something to be said for finishing something that was hard when it would have been easier to just take another route. I knew people who switched out of engineering because high school had been easy and this wasn’t. I am just as proud of my B’s and C’s in engineering than I would have been with A’s in something else.